Here is your 2025 climate change consequence forecast sneak preview.
Happy coming New Year,
Further down this page, please find your sneak preview of the 2025 climate change consequence forecast. Because of its importance, each year our annual climate change consequences forecast is the single most read page on our website and our most shared article.
Please check out the preview below to prepare yourself for the full climate change consequences forecast for 2025, which will be available after January 2. (We're still putting some final touches on it after months of research and analysis.)
But, before you read the 2025 preview below
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do we need it! Unfortunately, we have not yet reached our 2025 holiday funding target of $10,000 and enough new monthly donors to meet our current $1,000 per month deficit, but we are getting very close and just need a little more help from you.
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The 2025 Climate Change Consequence Sneak Peek
1. In 2025, we will live in a world where climate change's consequences will increase in frequency, severity, and scale to new record levels.
2. Political changes in the United States toward using more fossil fuels and reducing the green energy transition will be reflected worldwide. They will become a significant additional force accelerating global climate change consequences.
2. In general, other than for microclimates, if you live between the 35th parallel north and the 35th parallel south, your climate change consequences will be considerably worse than in different areas of the world.
On the other hand, if you live between the 35th and 45th parallels, either north or south, the consequences of climate change will be less severe but still horrible.
If you live near the 45th parallel north and south, your consequences will be lighter than most other areas as long as you have lots of fresh water, but they still will be painful.
If you live above the 55th parallel north or south, you will still have many severe consequences. In many ways, these consequences are worse than for those living between the 50th and 55th parallel, and above 55th parallel.
You will experience more wildfires, and temperatures will be much higher than ever; melting permafrost and tundra will cause infrastructure problems, and growing food in these areas will be more challenging.
The Biggest Climate Change Tipping Points and Warning Signs to Monitor in 2025
A. Methane feedback emissions are the biggest climate change tipping point and warning sign to monitor closely in 2025.
Methane is about 80 times more potent than carbon in the atmosphere in raising global temperature.
Methane emissions are being released rapidly from the peat-rich wetlands of the world's primarily tropical wetlands, some from subarctic peatlands and thawing permafrost.
This methane release from tropical wetlands and subarctic peatlands is one of many climate change positive feedback loop situations. (Below is an illustration of a positive feedback loop for melting ice that will help you understand the danger of self-reinforcing and amplifying positive feedback loops in climate change. Notice how feedback loops are circular, where each thing adds more to the next item on and on.)
Worse yet, few national governments have methane tracking regulations; even fewer have methane reduction laws or programs. This absence of methane tracking and reduction targets is no accident. The fossil fuel industry and its lobbying efforts have been unbelievably successful in hiding the methane extinction climate change time bomb from the general public.
Methane is also released from:
a. fossil fuel industry fracking,
b. gasoline and diesel fuel production, and
c. the billions and billions of cattle and other livestock,
d. The many other methane-releasing climate change feedback loops are discussed here.
We are facing nothing less than a global methane time bomb that could render almost all of humanity extinct within just a few decades.
The global methane extinction time bomb is discussed in detail here. (About two-thirds down the above-linked page, it is described as the third extinction accelerating climate change tipping point.)
The methane graph below shows it has soared to levels not seen over the last 10,000 years. (Notice how methane in the atmosphere started to soar at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, about 1870.)
B. The next worst climate issue is the climate feedback loop of the loss of Arctic sea ice for most of the summer.
The earliest published projection for the Arctic Sea to be completely ice-free during the summer is 2035. However, an abrupt and catastrophically massive loss of Arctic sea ice could occur any year before 2035.
A vast or complete ice loss of Arctic summer sea ice will drive even larger methane and carbon emissions from subarctic peatlands and thawing permafrost.
When all Arctic sea ice is gone in the summers, many Arctic amplifying feedbacks will interact and become inter-reinforcing. As a result, the climate system and life will be pushed orders of magnitude harder than ever. So, stay tuned and carefully monitor the news for major Arctic summer sea ice losses!
Lastly, do not forget that Arctic ice levels directly affect global weather and the jet stream. The jet stream has been moving to areas it usually does not go to. An unstable jet stream creates all kinds of weather instabilities and seasonal disruptions wherever it occurs.
C. The most critical factors to watch are the many other critical climate tipping points and feedback loops.
Intensifying climate change consequences will affect you in 2025, but it will not be anything like how you think it will be.
The many consequences of climate change will not unfold steadily. In general, climate change consequences usually develop in cyclical sporadic surges. These erratic but cyclical climate change consequence surges will continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale, often reaching new record levels.
After reaching new record levels, the climate change consequence will quickly fall back to near-normal or even below-normal levels. After the climate consequence falls from record levels, it most likely will move into a plateau level (either below or above the previous normal level) before beginning another cycle of increased severity, frequency, and scale, often reaching another new record level and then, once again, falling back down quickly to near-normal levels.
This three-phased cyclical steep up, quick down, and back to the near previous normal pattern will prevent many individuals from seeing climate change's long-term patterns and trends. This climate change dire consequence pattern ignorance will make individuals and businesses vulnerable to the next sporadic intensifying cycle of climate change-driven catastrophes.
The most common climate change-driven extreme weather consequences are defined as heatwaves, heat domes, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, floods and flooding, rain bombs, wind storms [Derechos], dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and other abnormal unseasonal weather. But those are only a few of the many climate change consequences we will soon be experiencing at intensifying levels.
If you begin to think about climate change consequences occurring in the pattern of more frequent, more severe, and larger-scaled sporadic "waves" that eventually affect and break down the normal patterns of our lives, you would have a good idea about how climate change consequences will unfold this new year and over the following decades.
Do not panic or worry if a climate change consequence spikes to a new record, like soaring land or sea temperatures for a week, a month, or even a season. It will eventually drop to near its normal range, but that is only a tiny part of the climate consequence problem.
The real problem, which is invisible to most people, will be that almost all climate change consequences will continue to sporadically and steadily increase in severity, frequency, and scale season-by-season, year-by-year, and decade-by-decade to new record levels.
For example:
1. From now until 2026, on average, most climate change consequences will increase in intensity at a significantly accelerated rate.
2. From 2025-2031, on average, the intensity of most climate change consequences will increase dramatically. There will be a dramatic increase in global severe climate catastrophes.
3. From 2031-2050, on average, the intensity of many of the worst climate change consequences will increase near-exponentially. Many global severe climate catastrophes will occur regularly, making it very difficult to stay up with all the waves of damage and losses.
The good news is that by understanding the pattern of how climate change will unfold in sporadic intensifying waves over the following decades, you will have time to prepare, adapt, and hopefully force your government to change the dangerous direction of the world's accelerating climate change consequences.
You can use the above bar graphic to see how climate change consequences will unfold. The green bars represent how new records will be broken over time (left to right). The blue bars represent how, after each new broken climate change consequence record, that consequence will drop back steeply and quickly to plateau at near-normal levels and stay that way for a while. Unfortunately, even the normal plateau levels of many consequences will continue increasing gradually.
The only terrifying thing that can change the above cyclical, more gradual climate change consequence escalation pattern is humanity crossing major climate tipping points or major climate feedback loops, as we are doing now. Crossing these two things separately or together will cause global climate change consequences to accelerate dramatically and then exponentially.
Please see the additional graph below to understand what we mean by saying that almost all climate change consequences will rise dramatically and then exponentially after crossing tipping points.
This illustration below shows not only the gross failure of your government to regulate and protect you from the accelerating consequences of climate change caused by burning more and more fossil fuel, but it also illustrates how the acceleration of climate change consequences after tipping points are crossed will directly follow and parallel the steep rise of the three major greenhouse gases polluting our atmosphere.
The graph below shows the three major fossil fuel-related greenhouse gases: carbon (CO2), methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). The numbers at the bottom of the illustration are dates in history AD. PPB is parts per billion. PPM is parts per million. (The IPCC is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. AR6 is the IPCC's climate summary report. NOAA is the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) As you can see below, we are walking into a dangerous climate change consequence future.
We know the above is terrible news for 2025, but please remember the most crucial action we must still execute.
Our governments and politicians have squandered the last 60 years in inaction or ineffective climate change actions. If they had acted effectively, fixing climate change could have been much easier and more gradual.
If our governments enforced the now-required 2025 fossil fuel reductions and came close to the legitimate and radical global fossil fuel reduction targets for their nation, we still can avoid many but not all of the worst consequences.
Here is how.
We can still save much of humanity if we work together to force our governments and politicians to act now!
The Good News
Humanity will enjoy many benefits when we fix the climate change emergency. Please take the time to read these benefits, which counterbalance the challenging predictions above.
Click here to read about dozens of these benefits. This climate predictions page is the 2nd most-read page on our website, with millions of views.
And in 2025, please:
This is our last email of 2024.
It is your final reminder to get your donation tax deduction for 2024! Please donate something if you value what we provided for you in 2024.
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In closing, the year 2024
The Job One for Humanity organization thanks our global volunteers for all the good things they helped us achieve in 2024. We also thank our growing list of donors who keep our critical mission 100% independent, uncensored, and funded.
Happy New Year to you, and may 2025 bring authentic progress in resolving the climate change emergency!
Lawrence Wollersheim
Executive Director
Job One for Humanity
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