The Forecasted Consequences of Climate Change for the Next 2-5 Decades, 2032-2070.

Climate change consequences will exponentially worsen in frequency, severity, and scale during this period.

If our governments do not enforce the required fossil fuel reductions and come close to the legitimate 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets for their nations, we will not be able to avoid near-total extinction consequences. Near-total extinction means that about 70 percent to as much as 90 percent of humanity (about six to seven billion people) will perish in a climate change-driven global collapse process.

Click here for the master list of all of the primary and secondary consequences of climate change.

Here are more of the forecasted consequences of climate change for the next 2-5 decades, 2032-2070. (Most are not mentioned in the above link.}

Because of the many consequences of climate change, which will now rise at exponential rates in this climate change phase 3, it will affect all categories of food prices. Expect food bills to go up every year by at least 9-15 percent more than the previous average food inflation rate average.

We also expect continuous massive food shortages around the world. A radical increase in food prices will be due to unprecedented and severe low global crop yields, many failed crops, exponential food distribution cost increases (due to increased security costs), and food labor production increases as climate change consequences grow exponentially.

The number of starving people worldwide will also grow exponentially into the billions, causing desperate mass migrations of starving people to overwhelm even the most stable governments. Poor and middle-class individuals and families will not have enough money to buy enough food at what it will cost during phase 3.

If the Thwaites Doomsday glacier collapses early on during the next several decades, the world will eventually experience sea levels rising another 7-10 feet within just a few decades beyond the initial and rapid 2-3 foot rise after the Thwaites glacier's initial collapse.) 

Mass climate migration will go out of control during this period, and few nations will be able to control or survive the billions of migrants on the move, fleeing coastal areas and desperate for resources.

The previous US fossil fuel reductions were based on grossly inadequate fossil fuel reduction calculations that provided the uninformed a temporary false hope but eventually an extremely painful and harsh dose of climate reality. Unless the US government adopts the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and immediately leads the rest of the world to enforce these targets, unavoidably, half of humanity will be dead by mid-century! This is highly likely to happen, especially under the new US presidential administration.

If the world's governments significantly miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, near-total human extinction will occur within the next 50 to 70 years or less. Because humanity will be unable to recover from or adapt to the accelerating frequency, severity, and scale of worsening climate change-related consequences, humanity faces the painful road of escalating economic, political, and social chaos and collapse long before its final members pass away. Violent criminal gangs will begin to fill the void where law and order as broken down.

From 2032-2070, the climate change consequences described on this page will worsen exponentially in severity, frequency, and scale. In the US alone, we estimate that the total 38-year cost of climate change consequences will range from 200-300 trillion dollars or more. Worldwide, other than the US, we estimate the 38-year total for all exponentially exploding climate change consequences will cost the world between 1,200 and 2,000 trillion dollars. All surviving nations will be thrown into social, political, and economic chaos by these costs and the destruction and suffering of the many climate change consequences. These costs could be considerably lower by 2050 or beyond because so much of the human population is dead, and there is no nation or persons to pay these costs or even tabulate them. We forecast that long before 2070, the ever-increasing litany of catastrophic climate change consequences will force most world nations into insolvency, financial depression, and a governmental and law and order breakdown. The costs of exponentially accelerating climate change consequences will make inflation the major source of economic collapse and fuel further starvation in the remaining poor and middle classes.

Worldwide, successful litigation against fossil fuel companies for the damages caused by climate change consequences will rise exponentially among individuals, businesses, states, and nations. (For more information on worldwide lawsuits and how you, too, can get restitution for the climate change damages you have experienced, click here to begin to learn what you can do.)

As accelerating climate consequences create many more deaths globally, reaching mass extinction levels, humanity will eventually suffer another high-risk consequence at some point. Human genetic diversity is also radically reduced as the global population is radically reduced. Having a high level of human genetic diversity (including many genetic mutations) helps safeguard humanity against new pandemics, killing off all, most, or the rest of humanity.

All homes, businesses, and farms in medium to high-risk climate change areas are uninsurable due to rising property insurance costs or cancelations due to increasing climate change consequences and risks. Governments worldwide are accelerating their Managed Retreat programs and running out of money to do so.

As climate conditions worsen to unsurvivable suffering levels, climate change-related suicides will climb steadily in all areas where any solution or release from accelerating climate consequences appears hopeless.

Because of increasing public demand and outrage, courts worldwide will finally begin convicting and severely punishing individuals, corporations, and even governments of acts of commission or omission that directly or indirectly caused, contributed to, or enabled the ongoing climate change-related human and biological extinction. These eco-felonies will be labeled as genocidal-enabling crimes against humanity and the future.

Current Earth system computer models (ESMs) project a dramatic slowing (28–42% by 2100) of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Southern Meridional Overturning Circulation (SMOC) across a range of climate scenarios, with a complete shutdown of SMOC possible by the year 2300. These newest predictions for ocean current slowdown are decades ahead of previous climate-related forecasts. Maintaining this critical ocean current at the same pre-climate change speed it has held for thousands of years is essential to humanity's future survival. This current slowdown in the ocean is a massive catastrophic climate change tipping point; see this article.

In the face of an endless worsening of climate change consequences, the world's generalized climate change fear and anxiety will become undeniable even to the most strident climate change denier. Governments and politicians will finally switch away from their previous climate change denial positions and begin to acknowledge accelerating climate change and its dangers publically. Feeling the burning wind of public opinion and anger turning against them, and to save their jobs and nations, they will, at last, call for drastic and immediate fossil fuel cuts and other "too-little, too-late" actions that will not save most of humanity from extinction.

The full painful phase-by-phase, consequence-by-consequence 2032 to 2050 climate change-driven collapse process is described in full detail here.


The following is already happening 

The arrows in the illustration below indicate how climate change tipping points and feedback loops interact and feed into each other. As more tipping points are crossed and feedback loops interact, they will multiply and amplify each other's effects. This will cause climate change consequences to worsen exponentially and far beyond what people are expecting or prepared for.


Section 7: Conclusion

Until our governments dare to tell their citizens that we have to go through a painful period of enormous individual and collective sacrifice to get close to the 2005 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and they enforce laws to ensure we do, we are doomed to ever-increasing worldwide suffering and death because of the immutable laws of climate physics and climate math.

Maybe a 1/2 trillion dollar single incident climate mega-disaster will finally get the world's governments serious about cutting global fossil fuels usage to, at least, get close to the 2025 global targets.

The 800-pound gorilla in the room, and the big problem today is we are not listening to the ever-louder and more costly destructive feedback that Mother Nature is giving us during this accelerating climate change emergency. Therefore, Mother Nature will do as she has always done. She will turn up her destructive climate consequence feedback to even higher, more painful levels and hopefully get our attention before it is too late. 

Mother Nature can be fully trusted to continue to act as she has for the last 10,000 years of human evolution. She will continue to favor the wise, the well-informed, the best prepared, and the most cooperative. And she will punish everyone who does not listen to her repeated and rapidly intensifying climate change consequence feedback.


If you find this 2025 climate change forecast helpful, please email it directly to your friends because it is unlikely they will get it elsewhere. Here's why? Your government and your media outlets will not cover or will water down these 2025 climate change consequences in the service of mostly hidden vested financial interests that are determined to maintain their obscene fossil fuel-related profits. (If you do not believe the world's most profitable cartel controlling 35% or more of the world's GDP would create billions of dollars in worldwide disinformation and misinformation or actively suppress accurate climate change information to maintain its profits, then click here to see the mountain of research on why this is true.)


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Critical additional reading and documentation for our predictions for the next 2-5 decades:

To save much of humanity, here is how we must compel our governments to act.

Click here to see why human extinction should end at near-total levels but should not go to total extinction.

Click here for a step-by-step, detailed explanation of the processes of near-total extinction.

Click here for the four extinction-triggering climate tipping points. 

Click here to see the Climageddon Feedbck Scenario, which describes in painful detail the meltdown of climate change tipping points, feedback loops, and nonlinear reactions that are already occurring and will only worsen.

For additional information on climate change-driven mass extinction and global collapse processes, please see our three-part series of articles relating to the Club of Rome/MIT study (and four related verification studies), including our updating of them with recent climate change information. See the first article here. It will take you to the other articles. 

Discover additional essential information, tools, alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank donor/supporter/member by clicking here!

And finally, if you are concerned about what you can do about the climate change emergency to protect yourself, click here.

Click here to see our other climate change forecasts

Phase 2 Climate Change, 2026-2031: We have created a separate forecast page for those who also want to see what happens in their short-term climate change consequences in the future, occurring from 2026 to 2031. Click here to see this 2026 to 2031 page.

Click here to see our 2025 forecast.

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