Five Reasons Why Job One For Humanity's Climate Change Consequences Forecasts Are More Accurate Than Other Similar Organizations

There are five shocking reasons why Job One for Humanity's climate change think tank forecasts are considerably more accurate than the forecasts of other climate change think tanks.



Here are five main reasons why climate change facts, forecasts, and analyses coming out of the Job One for Humanity climate change think tank are considerably more accurate than facts and analyses coming from other climate change think tanks or climate change educational organizations:

1. Our 100% public-only funding factor means that our research and analysis have no "funding bias" or funder coloring, which alters our results or forecasts. "Funding bias occurs when researchers are aware that whatever individual, corporation, or government agency is funding their research is also seeking some favorable research result they can use to support a position or project they want to forward or maintain.



Unfortunately, funding bias is blinding and plaguing many climate research and environmental educational organizations. They keep altering or watering down the actual climate facts so as not to upset their donors and to ensure continual funding by other vested financial interests directly or indirectly related to the global fossil fuel cartel.



Job One for Humanity is very different. It treats its donors and members as adults capable of managing lousy news. We always tell them the current climate facts, no matter how painful and disruptive they might be.

We also do not accept ANY funding or consulting work from any organization benefiting directly or indirectly from climate change or its causes or with a history of altering or hiding climate change facts or promoting falsehoods. 

We can only do this because we are 100% publicly funded by you! Please click here to see how the global fossil fuel cartel is spending billions to ensure no organization, government, or mainstream media outlet is telling the public about how bad the change emergency really is.


2. We are the only climate change think tank using the newest and most powerful analysis system for understanding and predicting complex adaptive systems like the climate. This new, very advanced analysis system is called Dialectical Meta-systemic Thinking

If you are a nerd like us and want to learn more about this colossal breakthrough transcending earlier systems to analyze the complex data found within today's many complex adaptive systems (like politics, economics, the climate, ecology, etc.), click here first, then click here.

(The first click will take you to a review of a new book called Human Superintelligence that discusses Dialectical Meta-systemic Thinking in detail. The second link will take you to many other resources on this world-changing analysis breakthrough that is perfect for the world of complex adaptive systems we now live in.)

Click here to see how this new thinking skill allows us to understand the deep levels of the complexity of climate change.

Climate change denial is a widely recognized problem in the general population. What is not widely recognized is that within the worldwide climate change research community, a problem exists we call climate change stupidity. Climate change stupidity occurs when climate change researchers fail to keep up with the latest data analysis methodologies like the critical new methodology, Dialectical Meta-systemic Thinking.

Not having this skill set produces far inferior data analysis and forecasting, especially with the complex adaptive systems in climate subsystems. Traditional big data statistics and system theory skills are no longer enough to forecast climate change consequences, timetables, or solutions adequately or more accurately. Those systems are simply not adequate to handle the uniqueness of the complex adaptive climate system.


3. We take into account the seldom accounted-for Climageddon Feedback Scenario by including its accelerating, dangerous, and catastrophic possibilities and probabilities in our analysis. forecasts, and solutions. Please click here to learn about what may be one of the most important pages on our website. It will illustrate and explain the very complex Climageddon Feedback Scenario.


4. Our think tank goes to great lengths to re-analyze current climate change research and analysis for intentional and unintentional errors, omissions, understated and overstated consequences, and subtly hidden, vested financial interest disinformation and misinformation manipulation of climate change data.

Click here and read the many links on this page to discover the many intentional and unintentional errors, omissions, understated and overstated consequences, and subtly hidden, vested financial interest manipulation of climate change data that our organization has exposed over the years.


5. Accurate information about the climate change emergency is vital to humanity's future and to preventing widespread global collapse and chaos. It must be told honestly and repeatedly until those in power hear it.

There will be mass human extinction if we do not continuously speak "climate truth to power" and tell the whole truth about the climate change emergency --- no matter how painful. In the accelerating climate change emergency, humanity's very survival is in the balance.

If accurate climate change consequences and timetables are not openly discussed as adults, or they are denied or hidden, much of humanity will perish. Yes, you heard that right: much of humanity will perish!

Everyone at Job One for Humanity knows this to be the unequivocal truth, so our work must remain uncensored and 100% publicly funded.

Click here for highly accurate climate change forecasts and predictions for the current year. 

Click here to see the Climageddon Feedbck Scenario, which describes in painful detail the meltdown of climate change tipping points, feedback loops, and nonlinear reactions that are already occurring and will only worsen, leading to mass human extinction.



More about Job One for Humanity.

Founded in 2008, Job One is a non-profit, 100% publicly funded climate change think tank that provides:

1.) a holistic "big picture" climate change overview and

b. uncensored Dialectical Meta-systemic Thinking and analysis of the inter-connected and inter-dependent complex adaptive climate systems and sub-systems creating our current climate change and runaway global heating emergency. 

Our organization supplies research-grounded climate change consequence analysis, timeframes, risk assessment, and solutions to educational, climate, and environmental organizations worldwide without charge. We also provide a fee-based climate analysis, risk assessment, and solutions service to insurance companies, governments, and businesses affected by climate change emergencies.

While we do not conduct original in-house climate research, we use published research papers, respected climate scientists, and climate research from organizations like the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). of independent  

Our organization's think tank comprises climate change research scientists and analysts. Some of the world's best climate change scientists anonymously or openly volunteer their skills, analyses, and perspectives to help us create the uncensored and unpoliticized climate change analysis on our website.

The climate scientists who contribute anonymously do so because of the long history of global fossil fuel cartel-related academic research defunding efforts, unwarranted harassment, and reputational attacks on those academics who openly speak out on the coming severe climate change consequences and mass extinction-accelerating nature of our escalating climate change emergency.

For example, climate scientists like James Hansen have experienced decades of unwarranted actions to ruin his reputation, defund his research, cut off his public speaking events, and harass him in numerous other ways. This was done because he strongly warned (and continues to warn) the public about the dangers of mass human extinction caused by the current climate emergency. 

Not all climate change academics are as brave as Hansen. Consequently, they do their critical climate change work anonymously.

Click here to learn more about the research we review and analyze to develop our climate change forecasts.

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