We will cross a key climate change tipping point range in the next from 2026 to 2031. It is the critical atmospheric carbon threshold level of carbon 425-carbon 450 parts per million (ppm).
As we cross this key climate tipping point, it will cause climate change consequences not to continue to gradually increase in frequency, severity, and scale as they are doing now. Instead, climate change consequences will grow dramatically in frequency, severity, and scale.
More specifically:
We predict that between 2025 and 2031, the frequency of many climate change consequences will come close to doubling.
Between 2025 and 2031, the severity of these consequences will rise dramatically, and in many cases, it will come close to reaching double the previous severity.
Between 2025 and 2031, the size of areas affected by climate change consequences will also dramatically increase. In many cases, between 2025 and 2031, climate consequences will affect areas coming close to twice the area of what we are seeing in 2024.
Hearing that climate change consequences will, in many cases, double over this very short period from 2025-2031 is disheartening and scary. A key reason for this has to do with the Climageddon Feedback Scenario, which describes a scenario where more and more of the climate change tipping points, feedback loops, and nonlinear reactions between the climate system and sub-systems are crossed and triggered, causing a rapid acceleration of climate change consequences. (The Climageddon Feedback Scenario is fully explained with many illustrations on this page. Job One wants you to understand the analysis behind statements like from 2025 to 2031, many climate change consequences will double as discussed above.)
When we are pushed beyond the carbon 425-450 ppm climate change tipping point about 2031 and beyond, many climate change consequences will soon begin to increase exponentially, and we will enter into a second and irreversible phase of runaway global heating!
Irreversible climate change means we will not be able to get the dangerous levels of excess greenhouse gases (like carbon) out of our atmosphere and back down to a normal and human-safe pre-industrial level for hundreds to thousands of years. (As of December of 2024, We are currently at the insane atmospheric carbon level of 425 ppm. We will soon enter and pass through the irreversible second phase of runaway global heating sometime around late 2027-2031. This runaway phase occurs when we enter the carbon 425-450 ppm range.)
Because we will enter and cross this critical climate threshold, the years 2025-3031 will have much worse climate change consequences. Much more of the detailed climate science for additional reasons why our climate change consequences will get so much worse from 2025 to 2031 and why this threshold is so critical to the survival of humanity is fully explained on this page.
We strongly recommend reading this page because it will help you understand how we cross into irreversible, runaway global heating. Irreversible runaway global heating is where the average global temperature keeps rising from 2°C to 3°C to 4°C and eventually far beyond any level much of humanity could survive.
We have provided the following graph to help illustrate how dangerous an exponential increase in climate change consequences is. In the graph below, the red line is an example of a gradual linear, steady, and mostly predictable climate change consequence growth trajectory. (Linear progression equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.) The green line below is an example of a sudden, exponential, and highly unpredictable climate change consequence growth trajectory. (Exponential progression equals 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 264, etc.)
An exponential climate change consequence increase corresponds precisely to when we cross the critical atmospheric carbon 425-450 ppm threshold and climate change tipping point. Never forget that, at best, we have only until about 2025 and maybe up to 2031 to reduce global fossil fuel use to the survival-critical 2025 target levels, or we will not just lose half of humanity by about mid-century; we will proceed toward near total extinction after mid-century. (We are currently at about carbon 425 ppm, as shown in the blue CO2 graph further above.)
Here are the major climate change consequences to watch from 2026 to 2031, many of which will also be dramatically increasing in frequency, severity, and scale:
There will be far more work disruptions and production stresses. The human capacity to work outside or in building enclosures will decrease significantly as temperatures accelerate and new records are broken. Not including dealing with further extreme weather consequences, accelerating climate change will cause more and longer costly business, production, and distribution delays and interruptions.
Worldwide, city, zoning, and planning departments and long-range corporate planners will begin amending their building and other codes and their long-term plans to compensate for or adapt to the accelerating severity of climate change-related consequences. Cities will have to start expanding their sewer systems because of rain bombs, raising highways from flood-prone areas, building expensive sea walls, and moving key electrical, communication, water purification, and sewage treatment plants from high-risk flood or fire areas. They will also have to change their building codes so that homes and buildings can survive the 1,000-year extreme storms and category six hurricanes and tornadoes that will soon be coming regularly.
For every one degree of further global temperature rise, the atmosphere will take up and hold another 7% of water vapor through evaporation. This additional water vapor in the atmosphere does not only mean more rain in certain areas, but it also means that rain bombs will also grow more frequent and intense, with 20-30 inches of rain falling within a day or two common in many areas.
Food prices will continue to soar globally because of climate consequences, causing crop yields to drop or some crops to fail. Expect to pay a much larger percentage of your total budget to buy the same or lesser amounts of food.
Many more individuals will experience a stronger generalized climate change fear and anxiety. They will see undeniable, repeated, and strong patterns of worsening climate disasters, but they still will not understand climate change processes and projections well enough to understand what is really happening. This ever-increasing generalized anxiety and fear will strongly affect their health and well-being. It also will make them very strongly inclined to accept false climate change solutions from individuals who project certainty and safety even though what is being proposed will not work and whose solutions will only surreptitiously protect the status quo of the global fossil fuel cartel profits and its affiliated companies.
More climagees (climate refugees) will also migrate from high-risk climate areas to low-risk areas within large nations. In the US and Europe, we estimate that both regions will soon reach 3 million climate migrants per year. By the late 2030s, 300 million to 1 billion or more people worldwide will be displaced or migrating because of the many interrelated and accelerating climate change consequences. (If the Thwaites Doomsday glacier collapses, the migration numbers from coastal areas worldwide will be closer to 1 billion or more.)
From 2026 to 3031, more nations and politicians will demand stringent and extreme immigration laws and regulations for dealing with illegal immigrants in or trying to enter their nations. They will do everything within their power to make it harder for all but a few new immigrants to arrive. Radically changing the immigration laws during this period will prepare these nations for the massive climate migrant surge that will begin during this period and rise exponentially after this period. Many nations will begin or complete the process of closing their borders entirely due to being overwhelmed by climate change migrants.
As the generalized climate change fear and anxiety rise more intensely in the climate change uninformed population, there will be a steady worldwide rise in governments and politicians moving toward greater conservatism, authoritarianism, and dictatorial practices to deal with growing illegal climate change migration and the other intensifying climate change consequences, which they will not publically acknowledge as accelerating climate change. Ironically and simultaneously, there also will be a rise in governmental, political, and fossil fuel-controlled media continuing to hide or deny the fact that climate change is dramatically intensifying and its worse effects will arrive far sooner than they are telling their citizens.
There will be substantial ongoing economic losses. (Most nations will spend an ever-increasing percentage of their total gross domestic product (GDP) directly or indirectly paying for the many consequences of the global warming emergency in 2025. The cost of living for repair, maintenance, building, or rebuilding in the safer global warming areas will continue to rise significantly. By the early 2030s, the US and many other countries will, directly and indirectly, spend about 5%-10% of their total gross domestic product (GDP) on climate change-related consequences and disasters.
Global stock and commodity markets, which have grossly underestimated the costs and the multitude of business problems associated with the plethora of interrelated climate change consequences, will begin to experience wild market swings and some collapses in the weaker markets. Because of new climate-related economic shocks to the markets, the probability of an economic recession or depression on national or global levels becomes significantly higher.
People with low incomes will get much poorer because of continuously escalating climate consequences, disasters, and work interruptions.
Because of the many consequences of climate change listed above and below, which will now rise at faster rates and also affect all categories of food prices, expect food bills to go up every year by at least 4-8 percent more than the previous average food inflation rate average. This increase in food prices is due to many more and more severe low crop yields and failed crops, dramatic food distribution cost increases, and food labor production increases as climate change consequences greatly accelerate. This will put more poor families on the streets and put paycheck-to-paycheck middle-class families under high stress. We estimate that poor families will spend 16-23% of their total income on food, more than the previous average food inflation rate average. Middle-class families will spend less of their total income, but there will still be a significant increase of about 3-5 % percent per year. Starvation worldwide will grow dramatically, causing mass migrations and conflicts to accelerate.
Many more homes, businesses, and farms in medium to high-risk climate change areas will become uninsurable due to rising property insurance costs or cancelations due to increasing climate change consequences and risks. Far more individuals will acknowledge the reality of accelerating climate change consequences and will decide to relocate rather than rebuild after major climate change catastrophes. More and more homeowners, businesses, and farm owners will know that if they become uninsurable either because the rates are unsustainable or because their insurance company cancels them, their property values will crash to a fraction of their original value, and they will lose most of their investment in that property. Governments worldwide will accelerate their Managed Retreat programs.
Worldwide litigation against fossil fuel companies for the damages caused by climate change consequences will rise dramatically among individuals, businesses, states, and nations. (For more information on these worldwide lawsuits and how you, too, can get restitution for the climate change damages you have experienced, click here to begin to learn what you can do.)
A widespread crime rate increase in poorer neighborhoods will be survival driven by increased climate change consequences that will expand a starving, unemployed, and poorer citizen and migrant population. (Imagine hundreds of millions of desperate individuals worldwide trying to stay alive by any means possible! That increasing desperation will drive up crime rates worldwide. In 2025, the US alone will face about 3+ million annual climate migrants seeing legal and illegal entry into the US.)
More climate scientists, climate researchers, climate-informed individuals, and well-informed ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations will be discretely migrating to or buying land in the world's remaining global warming-safe areas. This safer land is only about 5% of the world's available landmass.
As they grasp the severity and accelerating difficulties of the climate extinction emergency, more individuals will become doomers or doomsday peppers. A recent survey showed that 50% of Generation Z believe they are doomed.
Democracies can only exist and grow with an environmental, food, and resource surplus or sufficiency. Because of accelerating climate change-related consequences and the stresses they create, democracies worldwide will become less democratic and continue their move toward more authoritarianism. This political change will be facilitated additionally because climate change will destroy valuable food resources. With more food destroyed or other unusable or unavailable resources, the world's population will become significantly more competitive, more aggressive, and more polarized. More local, regional, and national climate migration and food and water shortages will aggravate regional and national wars and conflicts. If the nations of the world are not very careful and controlled, these regional and national climate-driven conflicts could also create a real threat of regional, national or international nuclear war.
The fossil fuel industry will not give up trying to make the world's population believe it is safe when it is not. To keep massive profits rolling in from its toxic products, it will continue promoting things like clean hydrogen made from methane from fracking, clean coal, clean gasoline, and who knows, they might even find a way to sell us clean green tar sands.
The fundamental climate normalcy and relative stability that humanity has come to depend upon for its existence for tens of thousands of years is rapidly disappearing. Severe climate instability and unpredictability are the new climate reality. New climate research indicates that the human civilization may not be sustainable when climate change produces an average temperature increase of as little as 3°C.
Governments will realize they need to be adequately funded to keep repairing damages from climate catastrophes. Due to increasing climate-related disasters and growing delays in getting disaster relief and aid, more governments worldwide will require their citizens to have at least a two-week supply of food, water, and other needed supplies.
Climate change is no longer a problem for our grandchildren as it was 60 years ago. It is already a severe problem for generations X, Y, Z, and all new generations. Runaway global heating is accelerating so fast that even the baby boomers and other retirees will feel its painful and bitter stings as their lives come to a close.
Sadly, we will not likely come close enough to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets! (We had to reduce ALL fossil fuel burning in developed countries (including China and India) by about 75% by close to 2025 (and considerably and justly less than that in undeveloped countries. This near-impossible 75% global fossil fuel reduction exists because our governments wasted 60 years of warnings when these reductions could have been easier and gradual.)
Even more climate-change-driven extreme weather records will be broken.
The ocean waters of the tropics and middle latitudes will grow warmer. This warming water will cause the plankton to migrate north or south into colder waters. When the plankton moves north or south into colder waters, the fish stocks that depend upon this plankton as the stable bottom for their food change will also move north or south. This fish stock relocation means millions of additional people who rely on fish for protein in the tropics and middle latitudes will starve.
Food prices will begin skyrocketing to compensate for growing and severe crop losses. Food prices will be considerably more than the typical cost of living increases, and they will become a dominant portion of the budgets of the poor and middle class. Food insecurity will skyrocket, and world hunger and starvation will rise dramatically. Many poor to middle-class people will have to create a local garden and start hunting wildlife to survive skyrocketing food prices and food distribution shortages.
Many more people will suffer and die from 2025-2031 because of climate change-related consequences. The number of people worldwide who will die from the direct and indirect effects of the primary and secondary climate change consequences will increase radically to around 250-350 million people. (As conditions worsen drastically, climate change-related suicides will also climb steadily in many areas.)
If the Thwaites Doomsday glacier collapses during this period, the world is looking at a very rapid and completely unmanageable, 2 to 3-foot sea level rise. 50% of the world's population lives at coastal areas. The collapse of the Thwaites glacier will produce the largest human migration in history.
Long-held water rights will begin to be lost to government regulations as sporadic and long-term droughts affect vital areas of nations. Despite previous water rights and laws, governments will be forced to provide water for their citizens and other critical uses.
Climate change-related crimes will rise significantly during this period. Governments will have to create larger police forces, courts, and jails to handle the rising crime as society becomes more unstable due to accelerating climate change loss and damage. Increasing numbers of climate change-displaced individuals whose resources have been severely depleted by climate change loss and damage will turn to crime to stay alive.
Atmospheric rivers that have been hitting the West Coast of the United States during the winter months will significantly increase the amount of water they release wherever they hit land. They will no longer be called atmospheric rivers. They will begin to be called flood-stage atmospheric rivers.
Because of the ever-increasing climate change consequences occurring around the world, fear and scarcity will increase among the population. As fear and scarcity increase in areas with insufficient law and order resources, criminality and violence will follow.
From 2026-2031, the climate change consequences described on this page will become dramatically worse in severity, frequency, and scale. In the US alone, we estimate that the total 6-year cost of climate change consequences will range from 4- 6 trillion dollars or more. Most of these costs will not be planned for or budgeted for by the US government, US businesses, or individual families. Worldwide, other than the US, we estimate the total 6 year total for all climate change consequences will cost the world between 60 and 100 trillion dollars. Climate change will become the largest financially unmanaged cause of growing national, business, and personal financial losses and deficits. The costs of dramatically accelerating climate change consequences will continue to be the hidden and unmanageable source of inflation.
From 2026 to 2031, some nations and areas will experience considerably more climate change consequence intensification. Those nations and areas are Australia, India, China, southern Europe, the southeast and southwest United States, Southeast Asia, and generally many areas between the 35th parallel north and the 35th parallel south. There will be some microclimates and areas that will have significantly fewer global warming consequences. The safer areas amount to about 5% of the land mass of the planet.
Warming in the far north and far south will continue to be 2 to 4 times greater than in the upper latitudes.
More governments around the world will begin hiding or downplaying more of the consequences of accelerating climate change to prevent fear, economic disruption, or mass migration in their populations.
There are many other climate change consequences that will be dramatically worsening in frequency, severity, and scale during this period. Click here for the master list of all of the primary and secondary consequences of climate change.
The Thwaites glacier in Antarctica is a critical global climate tipping point for irreversible sea level rise to watch over the next decadeor so. It is often called the Doomsday Glacier. When the Thwaites glacier slides into the ocean, we have crossed an extinction accelerating catastrophic climate tipping point.
When Thwaites breaks off, it is your mega-warning sign that the global sea level will rise to fast to adapt to. Pay close attention to any progress updates for the Thwaites collapse.
Current research says that the Thwaites Glacier will continue melting over the next few decades, steadily increasing sea levels. Still, the Thwaites Glacier's complete collapse is predicted decades from now. New cracks in the Thwaites Glacier's eastern ice shelf indicate that the ice shelf could collapse within the next five to ten years. This could cause sea levels to rise by several feet, endangering coastal communities worldwide. The growth of the cracks seems to be accelerating.
- The glacier could release an armada of icebergs that are behind it.
- Ice in the region could flow up to three times faster into the sea.
- Once the Thwaites glacier collapses, we will cross far worse extinction-accelerating climate tipping points. (Like sea level rising another 7-10 feet within decades after the initial 2-3 foot rise after the Thwaites glacier's initial collapse.)
50% of the world's population lives in coastal areas. Once the Thwaites glacier collapses and the ice shelf behind it begins sliding into the ocean, humanity will experience the single greatest mass migration in human history.
We know the news is terrible, but please do not forget the most essential thing after reading our predictions for the next 3-8 years.
Our governments and politicians have squandered the last 60 years in inaction or ineffective climate change actions. If they had acted effectively, fixing climate change could have been much easier and more gradual. If our governments enforced the now-required fossil fuel reductions and came close to the legitimate and radical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets for their nation, we still can avoid many but not all of the worst consequences listed on this page.
But we can save about half of humanity if we all work together to compel our governments and politicians to act NOW!
If you have ANY remaining doubts about only having from 2025-2031 to fix climate change before it becomes irreversible and destroys humanity, see this page. (This page covers the detailed science of why climate change will get so much worse (by double or more in many cases) from 2025-2031.)
Click here to see a recent, easy-to-understand YouTube video that validates and explains much of our research and analysis, which we conducted nine years ago. The video is called Climate Doomsday 6 Years From Now, and describes many of the phenomena in this 2025-2036 forecast section with lots of simple illustrations and references to newer scientific studies that validate what Job One forecasted nine years ago.
If you are concerned about what you can do about the climate change emergency to protect yourself, click here.
Discover excellent information, tools, climate disaster alerts, and promotional benefits for becoming a Job One for Humanity climate change think tank as a new donor/supporter/member by clicking here!
(Please see this critical article on the Climageddon Feedback loop scenario, which describes why climate change consequences will soon grow exponentially. This scenario is almost totally excluded in current climate change computer modeling and risk analysis modeling.)
If you find this 2025 climate change forecast helpful, please email it directly to your friends because it is unlikely they will get it elsewhere. Here's why? Your government and your media outlets will not cover or will water down these 2025 climate change consequences in the service of mostly hidden vested financial interests that are determined to maintain their obscene fossil fuel-related profits. (If you do not believe the world's most profitable cartel controlling 35% or more of the world's GDP would create billions of dollars in worldwide disinformation and misinformation or actively suppress accurate climate change information to maintain its profits, then click here to see the mountain of research on why this is true.)
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For those who are interested in our other climate change forecasts beyond 2025
Phase 3 Climate Change, 2032 to 2050: We have created a separate forecast page for those who also want to see what happens in their short-term climate change consequences in the future, occurring from 2032 to 2050. Click here to see this 2032-2050 page.
Click here to see our 2025 forecast.
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