The Major World Dilemma
The desire to continue the good life of modern civilization vs. the pollution of the natural world in the production of goods and services.
Earth Day, April 22, 2024 & Fifty-four years of environmental thinking
“Water Stress” To Afflict One-Third Of Globe Within 25 Years
I would like to thank the readers of my recent article. They brought up many excellent points, which enrich the article. I report on several of those below.
Mexico City’s “Day Zero”: Water Is Running Out For 20-Million People
One of the world’s most heavily populated cities could be 60 days away from running out of water.
International Women's Day March 8 and the Global Fossil Fuel Cartel Climate Change Battle
One of our Fossil fuel and climate change battle peers, the Desmog blog, published the perfect International Women's Day (March 8) message on the fossil fuel cartel. I'm re-publishing it with permission because it is perfect!
An Illustrated Explanation of the Global Environmental Crises
Are a visual? Review the ecological crisis facing humanity by Alvin Urquhart, Emeritus Professor and a founder of the Environmental Studies Program, University of Oregon.
The Deception Decades: How The Fossil Fuel Industry Protected Profits While Killing Our Planet
“ExxonMobil has misled the public about climate change by telling the public one thing and then saying and doing the opposite behind closed doors..."
RED ALERT! Critical Climate Change Consequence Tipping Point Just Crossed
This is the first time our climate change think tank has ever issued a climate change consequence RED ALERT.
Billions Spent by Fossil Fuel Cartel on Climate Change Disinformation to Make Our Politicians Stupid and Paralyzed
There is one climate change fact that will change everything you currently believe about climate change consequences, timetables, progress, and solutions.
The insane financial costs of escalating climate change consequences will eventually destroy the world's economy
No banks, corporations or governments are planning for, budgeting for, and setting aside adequate reserves to cover the escalating losses and damages of accelerating the climate change nightmare.
World’s Biggest and Richest Litigation Shaping Up Against Global Fossil Fuel Cartel
Aided by whistleblowers, law firms, state, and national authorities are chasing trillions of dollars in climate change damage payouts in litigation against the global fossil fuel cartel.