Get the New Book On the Environmental Crisis!

Read the New Book: Climageddon - The Global Warming Emergency and How to Survive It


This game-changing  new book includes a comprehensive analysis of the most current data, new predictions/models, the Climageddon Scenario, and provides an all-inclusive, step-by-step, first-things-first action plan. Climageddon is a must read for anyone concerned about climate change and what to do about it! Climageddon may be the Silent Spring of the 21st century.

Climageddon is a 450-page eBook jammed full of new scientific analysis of the latest climate data, plus a detailed, step-by-step plan for stopping global warming in its tracks sure to change the current global warming conversation. Job One for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to slowing and ending global warming, is a main cosponsor of this free ebook gift.

Only $9.95 for the eBook on Amazon!


Or, make a secure purchase at Leanpub where 90% of goes to ending global warming, because they charge a much lower fee than Amazon!

For more about the new ebook Climageddon:

See the latest Book Reviews
See the Prologue
See Chapter Five and learn about just how bad the Global Warming Emergency really is!
See Chapter One, Overview of book
See the Preface 

Learn More about the new book

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