There are many reasons for humanity's 60+ year total failure to stop accelerating climate change and global warming and for its relentless march toward climate change-driven mass extinction. Here are the big ones.
Job One for Humanity has done extensive analysis over the last decade on the many reasons, large and small, why humanity has so utterly failed to manage the global problem of the climate change emergency. The following five areas will take you deeper and deeper into the reasons and nightmares humanity has created for itself. As you delve deeper and deeper into these reasons, you will also begin to profoundly understand why it is all but impossible for humanity to avoid a climate change-driven mass extinction before 2050.
Each of the six areas below will immerse you deeper into the intentional dishonesty, denial, or complexity surrounding executing legitimate climate change solutions for our future:
1. The world's population has been subjected to a massive, 60+ year, multi-billion dollar fossil fuel cartel-sponsored climate change disinformation program. It makes the cigarette companies' former global disinformation programs that tell the public that their products would not cause harm to look like child's play. Click here for the details on the cartel's massive disinformation program.
The above link helps explain why so much of the world still tenaciously denies even the remote possibility of a climate change emergency, much less a coming climate change-driven mass human extinction, no matter how much solid scientific evidence is presented proving it.
2. Honest climate change researchers have allowed those with power to continue to distort, compromise, and change their research results to results and projections favoring fossil fuel-related interests. Click here for the many, many devious ways honest climate change research has been intentionally distorted, compromised, watered-down, and changed.
3. Most climate change researchers worldwide have yet to learn to apply the latest analysis technology breakthrough. Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking is this new methodology for analyzing complex adaptive systems like the climate.
This absence creates an additional significant underestimation flaw in their current climate change analysis and research. Current rational, analytical methodologies are grossly insufficient to compensate for the high complexity of complex adaptive systems like the climate, the economy, political systems, ecological systems, etc.
Unfortunately, Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking is very, very challenging to learn. Still, it allows the researcher or analyst to see any single moment or situation in transition within the climate system or its sub-systems from 28 unique perspectives that radically change the researcher's understanding of the interconnections, interdependencies, relationships, contexts, processes, and transformations occurring within the complex adaptive systems of the climate system and its subsystems.
Only one organization (Job One for Humanity) has climate researchers and analysts trained in this new big data analysis methodology.
Click here to learn more about this breakthrough new Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking methodology.
4. Popular denial about the climate change emergency is rampant. Denial prevents problems from being seen and managed. When an adult denies any reality, that reality will always eventually win that battle. Denial of the climate change emergency at every level has also been a major cause for the utter failure of humanity to manage the accelerating climate change emergency. Or, as Error Strieder says, "Denial is what you add to a problem to make it worse, last longer, and make it hurt and cost more."
5. Here are 30 more painful and powerful contributing reasons why we have failed to resolve the runaway global heating crisis over the last 60 years. These additional reasons are thoroughly discussed on this page.
6. Click here for the deepest, rarely discussed reasons for our climate change emergency.
Here is a quick visual representation of our utter failure to manage the climate change emergency
If you are still in doubt or denial about our total failure and how badly our governments, climate education organizations, and we, individually and collectively, are doing concerning fixing global warming, spend a little time looking at the graph below. The graph below covers the exponential rise of the three major global warming gases entering our atmosphere.
The amounts have even increased faster since 2022. The graph below is the quintessential face of our abject failure to manage climate change, no matter what you hear from the media or your government.
As climate change consequences and conditions worsen, there also will be a disturbing counterbalancing rise in global fossil fuel cartel-sponsored fake good climate change news. Fake good climate change news is defined as climate news that does not directly and effectively reduce the amount of the greenhouse gases of carbon, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere to the levels necessary to save humanity from climate chaos and mass human extinction.
This uptick in cartel-financed fake climate change good news is meant to hide and deny the real climate change emergency or deflect attention from the need to do anything truly effective about it. This fake good climate news will sound wonderful and hopeful. It will talk about some minimal progress in various climate areas, and this “feel-good” progress still will not, in any effective way, change the current accelerating climate change emergency enough to prevent climate chaos and mass human extinction.
Please don't be fooled by the fake climate change good news, which hides and denies the utter and total failure of humanity's current climate change management actions.
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
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