There is really just one climate fact that everyone should know. It is the new "elevator pitch" of the climate change and runaway global heating education movement.
A tiny bit of essential climate and atmospheric carbon history first.
1. Humanity thrived for millennia when atmospheric carbon was at the 270 to 280 ppm level.
2. We went over the climate cliff in 2015 when we hit carbon 386 ppm level and entered the beginning stages of runaway global heating.
3. Within 2-3 years, we will pass the carbon 425 ppm level. When we pass carbon 425 ppm, we are already deep into the beginning of the runaway global warming process, and we trigger the first of four extinction accelerating tipping points.
4. We would have stayed safe from runaway global warming if we ONLY had stayed at or below the carbon 350 ppm level. Since passing the carbon 386 ppm level in 2015, we have already triggered the climate tipping point and climate feedback loop stacking (falling domino) effect first disclosed by James Hansen the NASA climate scientist.
5. As of March 2022, we had already reached the very dangerous atmospheric carbon level of 420 ppm."
6. At the carbon 420 ppm level, we have already activated the crossing of ever more climate tipping points and climate feedback loops that will keep raising the global temperature until we make the required, radical, and painful 2025 target reductions in our global fossil fuel use.
Here are the most essential and profound truths of our current global heating emergency that everyone should know and our "elevator pitch"
The following is the highly probable and almost certain most essential facts about our current climate change and runaway global heating emergency:
"Due to our governments squandering six decades and failing to resolve the climate change emergency, we have locked ourselves into the first phase of runaway global heating. According to James Hansen, the world-renowned NASA climate scientist, this first phase of runaway global heating was entered in 2015 when we reached the atmospheric carbon level of 386 parts per million (ppm.)
If you imagine a train barreling down a mountain with no brakes and, out of the engineer's control, you would have a good idea of what runaway global heating will be like for humanity.
If we keep going as we are now, sometime between 2025 and 2031, we will cross the perilous atmospheric carbon threshold of 425-450 ppm. This is the level where we enter a second phase of irreversible runaway global heating.
Entering the second phase of runaway global heating will also cause the inescapable climate consequence of about half of humanity dying by about mid-century.
When we pass the carbon 425-450 ppm threshold we accelerate the processes of mass human extinction even faster because:
a. The primary and secondary consequences of climate change will radically increase in frequency, severity, and scale.
b. We will trigger additional amplifying climate feedback loops at faster rates.
c. We will soon reach the second (of four) extinction-accelerating climate tipping points.
Unfortunately, our governments and the media are still hiding the above climate extinction facts, partially because of the highly effective fossil fuel industry lobbyists' climate disinformation campaigns.
We can still save the portion of humanity that will survive past mid-century from near-total extinction (occurring about 2050-2080.)
To protect the post-mid-century remnants of humanity, our governments must act now and get close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Today's legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets require ALL developed countries and governments (including China and India) to compel their citizens to reduce ALL fossil fuel use by 75% by 2025. (The honest 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target is so high because our governments wasted sixty years when necessary reductions could have been gradual and more manageable.)
When you hear the media or politicians tell you we only have to reduce global fossil fuel use by 40% by 2030, or 50% by 2040, or 2050 they are dead wrong. If we use those grossly underestimated global fossil fuel reduction targets, billions more of us will be dead.
Our governments must immediately mass mobilize an effective climate plan covering ALL of the best possible and worst possible outcomes. Our practical Job One for Humanity Climate Emergency Plan will help mobilize our governments, protect individuals and businesses, and help you safely prepare for and adapt to the many catastrophic climate consequences we can no longer avoid.
Many positive possibilities can occur when our governments finally fix the climate change runaway global heating emergency. Humanity and our nations will experience many surprising benefits and possibly even a Great Global Rebirth."
From the preceding climate reality, one can see that the March 2022 carbon 420 level is far, far beyond any reasonable and safe atmospheric carbon level and well into the stacking (domino) effect of runaway global warming. At this carbon 420 ppm level, our atmospheric carbon level is about 155% greater than the long-term humanity-thriving atmospheric carbon level of 270 ppm.
How much higher does this percentage of atmospheric carbon have to rise beyond the last safe level of carbon 350 ppm before we collectively realize that we are in a rapidly approaching mass to near-total extinction danger?
And finally, one also has first to understand the essence of the problem and its real deadlines before one can fix that problem. You now understand the consequences of our runaway global heating problem.
Please use the above unsettling global warming "elevator pitch" whenever possible to open conversations on the climate emergency. Then, when they ask you for more information to explain or justify the pitch, please give them the ( website or get their email address and send them the link to the ten essential climate facts that will explain the facts in detail and with documentation.
The above elevator pitch should make new people so curious that they will want to read your email link (or go to our website) to discover how possible what you said could be. This new elevator speech is intentionally meant to disrupt the ignorance and complacency surrounding the painful, actual facts of our runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Try it out and watch the reactions. Even though a good portion of individuals will ignore immediate further research, it plants a seed in their minds so that when they see the next set of climate disasters unfolding, they will remember what you said to them.
Our runaway global heating extinction threat in a nutshell
For decades, cigarette companies hid the dangers of their products with misinformation and disinformation and stopped anti-smoking legislation. Likewise, for decades, the 28 trillion dollar-a-year global fossil fuel industry has hidden fossil fuel's global heating dangers with massive misinformation and disinformation campaigns, and they have stopped legislation designed to gradually reduce national and international fossil fuel use.
Because of that six-decade delay in reducing fossil fuel use caused directly by the massive misinformation and disinformation campaigns of the fossil fuel industry, half of humanity will now unavoidably die by mid-century! Be clear about this. This mass die-off will be caused by the massive misinformation and disinformation campaigns of the fossil fuel industry, and the escalating consequences of runaway global heating from burning their fossil fuels.
So, the only remaining questions are:
What will you do to push the world to meet the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets?
What will you do to save yourself and the half of humanity that can still be saved?
This IS everyone's clear, urgent, and last chance call to action.
IF you are a member of generation X, Y, or Z. In that case, whether you realize it or not, the above two questions above will become a central question for the rest of your life. They must be planned for and acted upon. If not, you will likely become part of that half or more of humanity that doesn't make it through the runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Have doubts?
Please click here if you do not believe that it is now unavoidable that about half of humanity will go extinct by mid-century if we fail to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. The first link will take you to the many global heating-related consequences that will unfold in this nightmare process.
If you doubt the accuracy of the above runaway global heating truth, please go to this page. It will take you through all of the supporting facts, illustrations, deadlines, and scientific information.
Get into action
Please click this link and make a pledge to start the actions needed to protect yourself, humanity, and all life on Earth from runaway global heating.
Click here to begin the Job One Action plan and help us start to fix this mess.
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
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