Who has the best global warming consequence predictions and timetables?

Why are the consequence and timetable predictions and of this new global warming book better than any other current book?

There are many reasons why the consequence and timetable predictions of a new global warming book are better.

Here are just two of those reasons:

1.) This new book called Climageddon allows for both intentional and unintentional serious consequence and timetable underestimation by our current global warming authorities.

2.) It also allows for and includes both a value and probability calculation for known global warming tipping points and related factors.

In Climageddon, these previously excluded factors are properly included in all of the calculations for climate modeling. This creates a more comprehensive and hence more accurate set of consequence predictions and timetables.

Allowing for a value and probability for the above two factors is not included in the calculations of any other future climate modeling found in any other global warming book.

Read Climageddon and get a better grip on your global warming consequences and future!

Click here to learn more about the new book Climageddon and how to get it.


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Showing 2 reactions

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  • Gary Goodson
    commented 2018-09-04 14:40:46 -0700
    A truly important and useful book. A great companion to Peter Wadhams’ books as it offers real-world next steps as well as documenting the myriad of problems.

    I’m curious to learn what others done to convince their friends and family of the lessons derived from this book? I may have convinced my father, but even he is not that motivated (yet)….
  • Ian Graham
    commented 2018-08-16 08:53:35 -0700
    you really should say you’re the author and founder of the org you direct. anyone who looks will find out soon enough and you look very ‘off-side’ because you haven’t declared yourself. I agree, you’ve done a good piece of work. You’re looking for funding to carry on. There’s very little traffic at the website? why not join up with the Climate Mobilization Plan people?
    Just saying,
    Ian G
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