This month's newsletter provides a new and qualified hope for our challenging future and the runaway global heating emergency. We completed a further analysis that defines this new hope (in the first blog article below).
Let's get started with a quick summary of what is in this newsletter:
Section 1. General News and updates for the organization and website.
Section 2. June's new blog articles.
The first blog article is by far the most important. It provides new hope for the future. It also explains why those groups (or individuals) promoting a climate-driven total human extinction event (in as little as the next 9-10 years) are grossly exaggerating the problem and grossly underestimating the natural and human counteractions that will arise to lessen and eventually fix the runaway global heating emergency.
Section 3. Here are two new, challenging climate and runaway global heating videos. Unfortunately, one is only available to us for a short time. The other's strong activism position may stir some controversy with our subscribers and members.
Section 4. What you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from the runaway global heating emergency.
Section 5. Fantastic volunteer opportunities.
Section 1. General Job One and website news.
1. 6,900 people attended (or later viewed) the June 14 Climate Anxiety Zoom call we co-sponsored.
2. We added over 500 new members in the last two months.
3. We have made several significant upgrades to our website as new research came in and we completed a new climate analysis. Here are a few of those upgrades:
a. Click here for our updated climate research process, our climate study references list, and how to challenge any fact you find on our website. (Please note that in 14 years, no one has ever proven any significant fact on our website incorrect despite continuously promoting an open challenge for anyone to do so.)
b. A new volunteer helped make Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One Plan far easier to review and complete. These are the parts of the Job One plan for individual action.
c. We updated critical global heating consequence timeframes in the Members section of the website based on existing fossil fuel reduction progress and new consequence tipping point and feedback loop analysis.
d. We upgraded our mission and our Plan B once again. It now reflects that we are not making adequate progress in getting close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and we must shift focus to more emergency preparations and adaptations.
e. Many new people from different backgrounds have signed up at Job One and become subscribers and members. Therefore we needed to upgrade this page. It describes the many new types of individuals who get the most benefit from our website.
4. We are still working on our new online member support system with upgraded web software. It should be completed in early July. It is half done, and some of you are already receiving its support emails. It was designed to help keep individuals motivated and moving through the actions of the Job One Plan.
5. We have a new Twitter hashtag besides Climageddon and Job One for Humanity. It is #RunawayGlobalHeatingExtinctionEmergency PLEASE follow us and get involved in addressing this most urgent issue!
Section 2. The new blog articles for June.
What's Most Likely in Your Lifetime: Will Runaway Climate Change & Global Warming Cause Mass, Near-Total, or Total Extinction?
Our runaway global heating emergency will have horrible consequences. These consequences are so bad there is no need to exaggerate them.
Read this if nothing else!
The Single Essential Climate and Runaway Global Heating Fact Everyone Should Know
There is really one climate fact everyone should know. It is the new elevator speech of the climate and global warming education movement.
What to Think About Climate Anxiety
“I have canceled my plans to have a family because I am so concerned about the future of the planet.” Jordan Druthers
Section 3. Two very powerful new videos!
Controversial Video 1: This is a very intense video by Robert Hallam, the cofounder of Extinction Rebellion. Extinction Rebellion is a powerful worldwide group of individuals who have decided to protest and disrupt normal activities and allow themselves to be arrested. Their civil disruption protests are designed to make politicians realize that we face runaway global heating extinction, and we must now act to reduce global fossil fuel use (as described in our 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
Please note that when Robert Hallam speaks about a revolution at the beginning of the video, he is not talking about a violent revolution.
He is speaking about a revolution in how we reduce climate change and runaway global heating.
Click here to see this controversial video.
Please also email us your opinion of this video at ([email protected]).
New Millennial Video 2:
This video is about millennials and climate change. Millennials have often been disparaged for a whole series of reasons. Still, as you will discover in this uplifting video, things are very different with millennials from what we have been told.
The number of Millennials in the United States — those born between approximately 1978 and 2000 — is near 80 million people. They’re the most diverse generation in America, with 56 percent registered as politically Independent ... and every single one of them will be needed if the planet is to avoid climate catastrophe.
In THE REVOLUTION GENERATION video (linked below,) filmmakers Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell spotlight a generation that has been mischaracterized, mislabeled and mistakenly mocked. Through interviews and highlighting a theory by authors/generational demographists Neil Howe and William Strauss that history can be viewed as a series of 80-year cycles — and within that, into four “seasons” that bring with them profound societal changes — the film shows the impact of the WWII Generation, Baby Boomers, and Gen X.
But Millennials occupy a special spot: They’re creators of social tech and native digital users, are anti-corporate crusaders, are more empathetic than any previous group ... and they now have to secure voting rights, equality, and the safety of the planet itself.
Can they do it? A kinetic, perceptive documentary of a generation and why they are who they are, THE REVOLUTION GENERATION is also, as Josh Tickell says, “A how-to manual for saving the earth.”
Please watch this time-limited Revolution Generation video quickly. It becomes available on or just before July 1st. After that, it will disappear soon because its creators have given us a limited time window for our thousands of members to view it.
Click here to see this uplifting video about Millenials and what they are doing about climate change. You will be asked to sign in to see it, but you do not have to donate to see it.
Closing thoughts
Job One for Humanity cannot do the independent, original, and unbiased runaway global heating educational work without your financial help. Even though we are a unique all-volunteer organization, we still need to pay for phones, electricity, the office, the internet, etc.
So, when you donate, you will also get access to critical information in the members-only section of our website. It contains invaluable and proprietary climate change preparation, adaptation, migration, and resilience-building information for a safer future. You also get $42 in climate-related ebooks.
To make a secure one-time online donation, click this tax-deductible donation link.
Click here if you would like to make a reoccurring tax-deductible monthly donation.
Until the July newsletter,

Lawrence Wollersheim
Executive Director
Job One for Humanity & Universe Spirit
PS: If you become a member with your tax-deductible membership donation of only $9.00, you also will receive $42.00 in 5 free climate-related ebooks and more! Go here to see this special membership promotion and what is included in the Members-only section!
How to donate to Job One for Humanity without using any of your own money!!!
Of course, we hope you will become an annual member or make a tax-deductible donation, but there is another easy way for you to donate without spending any of your money! All you have to do is sponsor our organization when you buy products at Amazon (Smile) by following the following simple procedure.
Keep in mind that this does not affect or add anything to the cost of any of your Amazon purchases. When you sponsor us, our organization gets a tiny percentage from every purchase you make. These small percentages will add up as we get our many thousands of members and visitors to sign up and use it.
How to use AmazonSmile on a web browser:
- Visit
- Sign in with the same account you use for (
- Select your charity. Be sure to select Factnet Inc. (Job One for Humanity is a DBA, and a part of the 25-year-old 501c(3), IRS-recognized, US tax-deductible, not-for-profit organization called Factnet.)
- Start shopping! Remember to always start at to generate donations for your chosen charity.
- Tip: Add a bookmark to make it easier to shop at for the next time you buy something.
How to use AmazonSmile using the Amazon app on your mobile phone:
- Open the Amazon Shopping app.
- Navigate to the main menu (=)
- Tap on Settings and then select "AmazonSmile."
- Select your charity. Be sure to select Factnet Inc. (Job One for Humanity is a DBA, and a part of the 25-year-old 501c(3), IRS-recognized, US tax-deductible, not-for-profit organization called Factnet.) Then follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app
- Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for the charity you have selected.
- Note: The tablet app is not yet supported. Please visit to learn more.
Job One for Humanity is part of the 25-year-old 501c(3), IRS-recognized, US tax-deductible not-for-profit organization called Factnet. Guidestar (the respected guide to ethical nonprofits) recognizes us for our financial transparency.
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