Once you have read this page, you will understand our current climate condition, the global heating emergency, and this website's most critical message. You also will have a climate summary understanding similar to a climate researcher.
This Climate Change and Global Heating summary below is updated regularly as new climate research is released. Its ten facts were last updated on 7.3.2022.
Although climate change science is complicated and complex, we will do our best to explain its key facts as simply as is possible. Once you have read this page, you will accurately understand:
1. our current climate condition,
2. our global heating emergency (at the level of many climate researchers,)
3. how we got ourselves into this global heating emergency, and
4. this website's core message.
Overview of the ten facts:
Fact 1: Beginning about 2025-2031, the severity, frequency, and scale of climate change and global heating consequences will increase dramatically. This will make our current runaway global heating far worse.
Fact 2: The correct global fossil fuel reduction targets require the national governments in ALL developed countries, including China and India, to compel their citizens to reduce all personal and business fossil fuel use by about 75% by 2025.
Fact 3: Missing the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets significantly means we will go over the first of four extinction-accelerating global heating tipping points.
Fact 4: Our nations have not taken fixing the climate and global heating seriously for over six decades. The amplifying feedbacks, crossed tipping points, and intensified consequences caused by this squandered six-decade delay, unfortunately, will cause an unavoidable extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
Fact 5: Getting close to meeting the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets saves humanity from a far worse, near-total extinction process (occurring from about 2050-2080.)
Fact 6: To save the remaining half of humanity from near-total extinction before it's impossible, we must get our governments to execute history's largest government-enforced mass mobilization of resources and get close to the 2025 targets as soon as possible.
Fact 7: The belief that some miracle "new technology" (like carbon capture) will save us at this critical and very late date is not a valid runaway global heating solution or plan.
Fact 8: We are so far behind in getting close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets that wise individuals and businesses are already starting their emergency backup Plan B survival plans.
Fact 9: We need to act immediately! Our ability to fix the climate and global heating emergency before we experience massive global catastrophes and near-total extinction is far from guaranteed.
Fact 10: In addition to fossil fuel industry global disinformation programs, our runaway global heating extinction emergency has been made far more difficult to resolve because of the ongoing gross underestimation and politicization of climate science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations (the IPCC.)
Introduction: The illustrated story of your climate and global heating future
The ten illustrated facts below tell the story of climate change, global heating, and the global fossil fuel burning reduction challenge we have created for ourselves. These uncensored facts will illuminate that our climate and global heating future is far worse than we are being told. However, immediate action still provides the best approach to creating s safe and secure future.
We understand how disturbing it may be to present this very unsettling and disruptive climate and global heating information. But, unfortunately, the general public who needs this information has no idea how dire global heating currently is, or how soon it will get much worse!
At the end of this article, you will also find a link to practical global heating solutions to this emergency and climate resilience-building actions that you can personalize to your situation and resources.
Not unlike the cigarette industry's decades of misinformation and regulation delaying tactics, the deceptive and delaying climate change disinformation and regulation delaying tactics of the fossil fuel industry have successfully kept the following global heating facts from you for over six decades.
Today's Ten Most Critical Climate Change and Global Heating Facts
The first five climate and global heating facts below are what we need to know. The next three are what we need to do. And the tenth fact is a key reason why we are continuing to fail to resolve the climate change and global heating emergency.
The ten facts below also are what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations (previously the most recognized authority on climate change) should have published in their latest 2022 climate summary report, but they too have been adversely affected by the near-unlimited lobbying power of the 28 trillion dollar-a-year fossil fuel industry.
Fact 1: Beginning about 2025-2031, the severity, frequency, and scale of climate change and global heating consequences will increase dramatically. This will make our current runaway global heating far worse.
This means the climate consequences of heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, Derechos, rain bombs, extreme wind, dust, wildfire smoke storms, and unseasonable cold spells will become far more severe, occur much more frequently, and cover larger and larger areas. This sudden increase in climate consequence severity, frequency, and scale is because:
1. for the last 60 years, we have failed to fix climate change, and our climate bill has come due.
2. we will cross into a new level of atmospheric carbon pollution where we reach the level of carbon (CO2) 425-450 parts per million (ppm.) Lowered atmospheric carbon is the best way to see the actual results of our past fossil fuel reduction efforts. (As of March 2022, we were at carbon 421 ppm.)
3. we have already crossed key amplifying climate feedback loops and tipping points into the beginning stages of runaway global heating. According to James Hansen the respected NASA climate scientist, we entered runaway global heating when we passed the carbon 386 ppm level.
If you imagined runaway global heating like a train without brakes rolling down a mountain that is getting steeper and steeper, you would have a good idea about the seriousness of our climate consequences soon rising exponentially.
To make this fast rising global heating consequence problem more tangible, imagine a midwestern state like Kansas already in a climate zone called “Tornado Alley.” Now envision that every year, the number of tornados and their intensity category number keeps increasing.
Towns get wiped out. They try to rebuild. But before the new houses, businesses, and infrastructure are complete, they are hit again.
All the money just spent to repair the area is blown away. So, what do they have left but to start over again? They do start to rebuild. And they get hit yet again. This happens over and over. Each time sooner with even bigger losses.
Because climate change and global heating consequences will not only rise dramatically, eventually they will invrease exponentially, at best, you may have only another 3-9 more years of relative climate stability, depending upon where you live.
Beginning around 2025, if you are in a high-risk climate change and global heating area, the global warming consequences that you are already experiencing will start to become far worse than you are currently experiencing. Take a look at the list of global heating consequences below.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 1 will take you to documentation links and an expanded explanation on why global heating-related consequences will soon start rising exponentially in severity, frequency, and scale.
Fact 2: The correct global fossil fuel reduction targets require the national governments in ALL developed countries, including China and India, to compel their citizens to reduce all personal and business fossil fuel use by about 75% by 2025.
(Undeveloped countries have considerably lower 2025 targets due to climate justice factors and they already have such low per-capita emissions.)
If we do not get close to these global fossil fuel reduction targets, our world will experience unavoidable, immoral, and cataclysmic climate-related consequences.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 2 will take you to documentation links and an expanded explanation about the details of all of the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. It includes technical notes on how the fossil fuel reduction calculations were created.
Fact 3: Missing the required 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets significantly means we will go over the first of four extinction-accelerating global heating tipping points.
If we do not get close to the 2025 targets, we set the stage for near-total human extinction and we lose our last chance to still be able to reverse the climate damage we have done for centuries to thousands of years.
Additionally, missing the 2025 targets will trigger many amplifying climate feedback loops.
Below this statement is a graphic titled “Positive Feedback Loop” It is an example of just one of the many accelerating global heating amplifying feedback loops.
The following global warming-related interactions occur when climate tipping points and climate feedback loops within the climate system interact both with each other and with rising global heating (as they are doing now.) When this happens, we are headed for even higher global temperatures at an accelerated rate, and the global heating extinction process on the fast track.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 3 will take you to documentation links and an expanded explanation of tipping point theory and the unfolding process of global heating's four extinction-accelerating tipping points activating, and how it will affect your future.
Fact 4: Our nations have not taken fixing the climate and global heating seriously for over six decades. The amplifying feedbacks, crossed tipping points, and intensified consequences caused by this squandered six-decade delay, unfortunately, will cause an unavoidable extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
This mass extinction process for about half of humanity will be driven by climate consequence-related low crop yields, crop failures, and new conflicts caused directly or indirectly by the migrations of starving peoples. (Please note mass human extinction is not total human extinction. Total and near-total extinction will be explained shortly.)
Crops will fail or be stunted because of global warming aggravated heatwaves, rain bombs, droughts, flooding, wildfires, out-of-season cold spells, hail, Derechos (severe wind storms), and other extreme weather which destabilizes normal growing season conditions. The world's five principal grains (rice, wheat, maize [corn], millet, and sorghum) are particularly vulnerable to climate-caused massive crop failure. This crop failure occurs when temperatures (heat waves) are near or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 days during the regular growing season.
Increasing starvation increases mass migration to wherever there is more food. These mass hunger migrations cause more local, regional, and national conflicts, which creates an amplifying feedback loop of even more mass starvation, soaring food prices, economic instability, and more conflict. As conflicts grow in food-growing and producing countries, food production will drop even more because of the many food-growing and transportation disruptions caused directly or indirectly by those conflicts.
(Please note that the above climate-related first-level consequences are by no means the only reasons that about half of humanity will unavoidably die off by mid-century. This link for climate fact 4 expanded will take you to far more detailed information and links for why and how this mass mid-century extinction even will occur.)
Fact 4 is known by the world's leading intelligence agencies and many climate scientists and researchers. However, it is not in the public dialog or media because most major media is owned, controlled, or heavily influenced by fossil fuel-related industries.
With rising global temperatures, more global heating consequences (shown below) will interact, intensify and worsen. This consequence interaction also will contribute directly and indirectly to the extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
We have wasted six decades and now the climate and global heating's consequences have worsened so much that it is literally too late to prevent the extinction of about half of humanity (about 4-5 billion people) by mid-century. This also means that it is time to prepare humanity for the many huge sacrifices we have to make to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. And it is also time to prepare humanity for the unimaginable and unavoidable soon-arriving suffering.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 4 will take you to more detailed information and key links on the intensifying consequences, processes, crossed tipping points, and feedback loops that will unavoidably bring about the mass extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century.
Fact 5: Getting close to meeting the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets saves humanity from a far worse, near-total extinction process (occurring from about 2050-2080.)
Near-total human extinction means that as much as 50% to 90%+ of the post-mid-century surviving population could also die. How many die in the second wave of post-mid-century extinction processes depends upon how close we get to the 2025 global reduction targets and how soon we do it.
The closer we get to the 2025 targets, the more people survive and live longer and more comfortable lives. Conversely, the longer it takes to reach those targets, the more people will die and suffer from the intensifying consequences of our fossil fuel-burning actions.
Surprisingly, there is significant good news in this challenging news. At worst, we will only suffer near-total extinction and not total human extinction. Even if we miss the 2025 targets by a considerable amount, both human and natural counteractions will eventually take place to first slow then stop us from burning and using ever more fossil fuels.
These human and natural counteraction processes will be the most severe in the form of Mother Nature simply killing off more and more of us. Mother Nature will continue doing this until humanity simply does not have enough remaining population to continue adding any more pollution from fossil fuels to the atmosphere. (The current estimate is that at least half of humanity would have to die off for this corrective and counterbalancing die-off process to get started.)
Think of fossil fuel burning and its pollution and global heating as giving the Earth a virus and fever. Next, imagine Mother Nature raising the temperature of the Earth until the consequences of that temperature rise have killed off enough of that virus (us) to allow her other systems to regain their natural balance. If you can imagine this, you would have a good idea of this dominant natural correction process will take control if we fail to radically reduce our global fossil fuel use on our own.
(Please read the illustration below starting from the bottom up! It will help you visualize and better understand the levels of climate and global heating consequences that will further accelerate human extinction.
The new global heating survival equation is simple. The sooner and closer we get to the 2025 target, the more people will survive longer and more comfortably beyond the portion of humanity that survived the unavoidable first mid-century global heating caused extinction process.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 5 will discuss in more detail why our future, at worst, will only be a near-total extinction event and not total human extinction. This expanded Fact 5 link will also discuss the critical death percentage differences between mass, near-total, and total extinction scenarios. Finally, it will also take you to documentation links and expanded information on human and natural counteractions and the primary and secondary climate-related consequences that will eventually result in near-total human extinction described in Fact 5.
Here are the three "what do we need to do to save ourselves" facts.
Fact 6: To save the remaining half of humanity from near-total extinction before it's impossible, we must get our governments to execute history's largest government-enforced mass mobilization of resources and get close to the 2025 targets as soon as possible.
If our governments get close to the 2025 global reduction targets the worse we wll suffer is the loss of about half of humanity by mid-century. If our governments fail to get us close to the 2025 targets, our focus must shift to minimizing the percentage of the population that will continue to die after mid-century.
Our governments must also begin planning now for a massive population loss and a sudden global decline.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 6 will take you to documentation links and expanded information about the many silmeltaneous actions that our governments must do immediately to save humanity in time.
Fact 7: The belief that some miracle "new technology" (like carbon capture) will save us at this critical and very late date is not a valid runaway global heating solution or plan.
These promised miracle "new technologies" are false solutions that steal the real urgency away from the runaway global heating emergency, and
1. None of the current miracle "new technology" climate solutions can come even close to globally scaling up in time (over the next three years) to compensate for our significantly missing the 2025 global targets.
2. Most have not yet been proven to work (even at a small scale.)
3. All have not been adequately tested at a sufficiently large enough scale for unintended side effects. Any unknown and unintended side effects could create even greater problems than the problems they were designed to solve.
4. They are prohibitively costly. And,
5. Many burn so much fossil fuel trying to remove atmospheric carbon or geo-engineer the planet or atmosphere that their massive fossil fuel use eliminates their benefits. To implement the new technologies, massive amounts of energy will be needed to process the required raw materials and fabricate the solutions. To do this quickly, existing methods must provide the energy, which would further delay reaching global goals. And finally,
6. These miracle "new technologies" are falsely promising us that we can continue our lives of over-consuming, polluting, and burning fossil fuels as we are now. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Additionally, society is ignoring that we are reaching limits to the availability of many natural resources. To build these proposed new technologies, vital materials will be required in such tremendous amounts that routine social needs would be severely impacted.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 7 will take you to documentation links and expanded information on why new technologies can not save us in time and everything our governments must do to save humanity's future. At this point only our governments acting in concert have the power to save the future.
Fact 8: We are so far behind in getting close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets that wise individuals and businesses are also starting their emergency backup Plan B survival plans.
There will be partial to complete collapses of vulnerable, less resilient social, economic, political, and ecological systems as global heating soars and as about half of humanity unavoidably goes extinct by mid-century. Moreover, few our our human systems will be able to withstand the desperate and increasing runaway global heating-driven, mass starvation, mass migrations, and the next wave of regional, national, and international resource conflicts.
In addition to Job One for Humanity's Plan B survival preparation and adaptation steps, Plan B is also built upon the wise strategy of preparing for the worst possible outcomes while staying focused on creating the best possible outcomes. This dual focus is necessary because if our governments don't act soon, there will be few of us left at the predicted post-mid-century higher global heating temperatures, and surviving will be far more challenging.
The Job One Plan B is also about emotionally preparing yourself for all of the sacrifice and suffering that will be needed to make it through the many unavoidable and soon-arriving consequences of runaway global heating.
The Job One for Humanity Plan B even includes our governments having a plan that prepares for the massive global heating-driven population collapse and the consequent sudden and steep global decline of other global support systems. Plan B could even involve migrating to a new location that will be safer from the accelerating consequences of runaway global heating.
Start your Job One Plan B soon, and do not forget that we must get our governments to act now to save as many people as possible.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 8 will take you to documentation links and expanded information about the many parts of a wise Plan B for yourself, your family and your business.
Fact 9: We need to act immediately! Our ability to fix the climate and global heating emergency before we experience massive global catastrophes is far from guaranteed.
To act wisely and fix the runaway global heating emergency, it is critical for every individual and business to know the accurate timeframes for the next even bigger waves of global heating consequences. Understanding the coming global heating consequence timeframes will allow you and your loved ones adequate planning and action time to create the best possible global heating outcomes while simultaneously preparing for the worst possible global heating outcomes.
Individuals or businesses will work for the best and prepare for the worst by:
a. making the necessary personal 75% fossil fuel use reductions to do their part to get us close to the 2025 global targets. (Part two of the Job One Plan will help you do this.)
b. demanding their national politicians reduce global fossil fuel use to get us close to the 2025 targets. (This action step is mainly for individuals who can directly influence their national politicians. (See Part three of the Job One Plan to see what our governments must do.)
c. making the necessary emergency preparations and adaptations needed to build their climate and global heating resilience vital to successfully managing the worst of the coming climate and global heating consequences. (If you are fortunate, well prepared, and in a global heating safer region (described in the expanded fact section,) you could survive 30-50 more years, possibly even longer. (Part one of the Job One Plan will help you do this.)
d. making better global heating decisions concerning what they want to do personally about the accelerating climate and runaway global heating consequences. (This might even include re-planing their lives or re-adjusting their priorities to focus on the meaningful and important things they may have delayed or failed to do.)
The current global heating consequence timeframes that you will need to know, prepare for, and adapt to (before it is too late) are listed in the expanded ten facts section here. The safe and unsafe areas map below for the safer global heating areas will be explained on the expanded ten facts page and in its links.)
In general, on the global heating risk map below if you live in areas between the red and yellow lines you have a considerably higher global heating risk level.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 9 will take you to the safest global heating areas and the timeframes you will need to know to prepare yourself for what is coming.
The big reason why we keep failing to fix our climate and runaway global heating emergency
Fact 10: In addition to fossil fuel industry global disinformation programs, our runaway global heating extinction emergency has been made far more difficult to resolve because of the ongoing gross underestimation and politicization of climate science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the United Nations (the IPCC.)
Yes, the physical cause of runaway global heating is indeed our global burning of fossil fuels. And yes, over the last six decades, the 28 trillion dollar-a-year fossil fuel industry and its lobbyists have subjected the world's politicians to the most potent disinformation and influence campaign in history. Their program was designed to prevent or limit regulations that would reduce global fossil fuel use. But, there is another organization that, because we have always trusted it and its climate summary reports, is also a dominant reason for our ongoing failures to mobilize the world to demand the end of fossil fuels.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is currently the most widely recognized and relied upon authority for climate change data. Every world government, major corporation, and NGO relies on these climate summary reports for planning their required fossil fuel reductions.
But there is a massive problem with the IPCC's climate summary reports. For decades, the IPCC has allowed its top administrators to underestimate, politicize and distort the underlying climate science and research of thousands of dedicated volunteer climate scientists.
This politicization of climate science has resulted in the public being given grossly underestimated climate change consequences, time frames, and required corrective actions. Furthermore, this gross underestimation has resulted in the general public being unaware of the seriousness and extreme urgency of the soon-arriving new levels of climate and global heating threat to their lives and businesses.
But why would the IPCC's top administrators grossly underestimate the global heating threat and its remedies and do such a harmful thing to the future of humanity and the peoples of the world?
The IPCC's top administrators did this because of the overwhelming:
a. political pressure from those corporations and nations with the most to gain by not reducing fossil fuel use, and
b. ongoing United Nations and IPCC funding denial threats from fossil fuel producing and fossil fuel-dependent countries.
The wealthiest fossil fuel producers, fossil fuel-dependent nations, and industries lobbied hard and long to "convince" these IPCC administrators they needed to "tone down" their climate facts to approve their "softer" climate summary reports.
The political pressure to underestimate the climate problem and its solutions was orchestrated under the guise of toning down the climate facts in order not to create widespread public fear or panic. But, the real reason for the relentless political pressure on the IPCC's administrators to underestimate their climate summary reports was always to allow fossil fuel producers and fossil fuel-dependent nations and industries to continue doing "business as usual" and profiting. These nations and industries did not want an informed public to initiate a massive public outcry demanding the appropriate, huge, and immediate global fossil fuel reductions.
Nothing would be worse for the worldwide fossil fuel empire than if the public knew just how dire, immediate, and deadly the climate and runaway global heating extinction emergency really was and how soon it would get far worse.
Can you imagine what would happen if the worldwide general public understood what it meant to already be in an accelerating runaway global heating extinction emergency where about half of humanity unavoidably will be dead by mid-century?
Why the IPCC's gross underestimation problem is important to you
1. If the world is grossly deceived about how bad the runaway global heating extinction emergency really is, it is unlikely the world will demand its politicians make the needed changes to save humanity from it.
2. The IPCC's gross underestimation issue presents an immense danger to the world's governments, intelligence agencies, national reserve banks, major corporations, media, risk assessment firms, hedge funds, investment bankers, and insurance companies. They run the world, and they all use the IPCC's grossly underestimated climate change and global heating summary reports for their future climate change planning and consequence strategies. This widespread use of this seriously unreliable climate prediction and remedial information means these entities and the rest of us are in for a massive and continuous series of painful and expensive climate change and global heating consequences, surprises, and shocks.
The IPCC has also organized or coordinated many international climate conferences. These climate conferences have produced scores of unenforceable and unverifiable international climate change reduction agreements. Unfortunately, these agreements have ALL failed to remove or even lessen the runaway global heating extinction threat.
The following graph shows the continuous failure of the IPCC and its climate conferences, as shown in the ever-rising carbon ppm amounts in the illustration below.
If we are ever going to prevent or slow down the runaway global heating extinction emergency, we have to do something different. We will have to quickly:
1. get different, better qualified, and better-funded organizations to take over the IPCC climate science analysis and summary reporting responsibilities.
2. create some new form of global climate governance. This new global climate governance would also need to have the powers of enforcement and verification on all new international climate agreements.
Runaway global heating is a global problem. Therefore, its solution must also be globally enforceable. But, without a valid mechanism for global climate law-making, governance, and enforcement, each nation will fight for national advantage, stall the changes, or cheat on its fossil fuel reductions, so what's needed to fix runaway global heating never gets done.
The distorted and politicized IPCC climate summary reports have created a grossly false sense of climate safety and climate security in the general public. The general public still widely believes that climate change and global heating won't be that bad, its most harmful consequences are a long, long way off in the future, and they have no grasp of the soon-arriving, global heating-fueled processes of mass starvation and mass extinction. Most of the public has been lulled into climate inaction by the highly compromised IPCC.
As a good general IPCC climate information discounting operating principle
Whenever you hear about an IPCC administrator-politicized climate change and global heating summary report, you would be wise to treat it as at least, 20-40% worse than they are saying and arriving 20-40% sooner than they are saying. For example, the IPCC has said we could have as much as 6 feet of sea-level rise by 2100. However, using the fossil fuel industry interference discount, we are far more likely to get 7-8 feet sometime around 2070.
Likewise, the IPCC has predicted a possible 1-2-foot sea-level rise by 2050, which actually means we will more likely experience about three or more feet of sea-level rise by 2040. (Many coastal communities think they can build massive sea walls and escape sea-level rise flooding. However, the previous IPCC sea-level estimates do not include the total sea level reaching their shores. The IPCC sea-level rise estimates do not include those rare occurrences where the tidal surge from a major storm happens at the same time as the maximum tide phenomenon called a King tide, which often occurs around the full moon.)
The above ten climate facts must become widely known.
This knowledge will help illuminate the true urgency of our emergency. Moreover, understanding the true urgency of the runaway global heating extinction emergency will eventually create the necessary public demand to get our politicians to begin a government-enforced global fossil fuel reduction plan that will work.
The runaway global heating extinction emergency will not be solved unless:
1. You get active on the many scalable solutions in the Job One for Humanity Plan B. And,
2. You do your part to help educate others about the above ten critical facts before it is too late.
Unfortunately, too many climate and environmental organizations do not yet understand this page's ten climate facts. Please also get their executives this information.
If you are a science person, this link for Fact 10 will provide many more reasons for why discounting IPPC accuracy is wise and appropriate. If you are a science person, this link will take you to documentation links and expanded information about the IPCC's many reliability issues.
In Summary
Help fix runaway global heating the greatest disruptor of the 21st century or suffer its accelerating consequences and potentially perish!
Humanity and its ancestors thrived for almost 1,000,000 years when the historical and interglacial high atmospheric carbon levels remained within the carbon level range of carbon 270-280 parts per million (ppm.)
Many decades ago, climate scientists warned us that when we crossed the atmospheric carbon evel of 350 ppm, humanity would be unsafe from horrible consequences and even extinction, and that we were on the way to runaway global warming.
Measuring the most dangerous greenhouse gases of atmospheric carbon [CO2,] methane [C4,] and nitrous dioxide [N2O] are the best ways to measure the increasing threat level of increasing global heating and increased global heating consequences. Therefore, the three greenhouse gas measurements shown together on the graph below are also one of the very best ways to predict future global heating and future temperature levels.
The higher the amounts of carbon [CO2,] methane [C4,] and nitrous dioxide [N2O] in the atmosphere, the higher our future global temperatures will be and, our future global heating consequeces will the more severe, more frequent and occur at larger and larger scale.
(In the illustration above, on the left vertical axis are atmospheric measuring levels for both carbon and nitrous dioxide in parts per million [ppm.] On the right vertical axis, you see the measuring level for atmospheric methane in parts per billion [ppb.])
Measuring the above three rising atmospheric pollutants from fossil fuel burning is also the best current way to determine if we have or are making honest progress in:
1. lowering global fossil fuel use,
2. fixing the runaway global heating extinction emergency or,
3. if we are failing or being successful at either or both.
The illustration above also shows what happened when humanity began the fossil fuel-powered industrial revolution in the late 1700s to early 1800s. (Look where the graph lines rise suddenly.) Across the bottom of the illustration is the last 2,000+ years. The red, blue, and black lines moving from left to right across the illustration tell the painful story of human history and the fossil fuel pollution of our atmosphere.
It is not difficult to see from the illustration above, that humanity is in deep, deep trouble.
One of the world's most respected NASA climate scientists, James Hansen, said that if the atmospheric CO2 level reached and stayed at only the carbon 385 ppm level and was allowed to sit there for many years, this carbon level alone could kick off a climate tipping point and feedback loop "stacking" (domino) effect. He warned that this stacking effect would lead to an unstoppable chain reaction to higher and higher temperatures (also known as runaway global warming.)
So here is the runaway global heating tough love. Humanity thrived successfully for millennia when atmospheric carbon was at the 270 to 280 ppm-level. We went over the climate cliff in 2015 when we hit carbon 386 ppm level and we entered the beginning stages of runaway global heating.
Within the next 2-3 years, we will pass the carbon 425 ppm level. When we pass carbon 425 ppm we are already deep into the beginning of the runaway global warming process.
We would have stayed safe from runaway global warming if we ONLY had stayed below the carbon 350 ppm level. Since we have passed the carbon 386 ppm in 2015, we have already triggered the climate tipping point and feedback loop stacking and falling domino effect.
We already have activated the crossing of ever more climate tipping points and feedback loops that will keep raising global heating until we finally get close to the required, radical, and painful 2025 reductions in our global fossil fuel use.
As of April of 2022, we were at an atmospheric level of carbon 420 parts per million (ppm.)
From the preceding, one can see that this carbon 420 level is far, far beyond any reasonable and safe atmospheric carbon level and far into the stacking (falling domino) effect of runaway global warming. At the carbon 420 ppm level, our atmospheric carbon level is about 155% greater than the humanity-thriving atmospheric carbon level of 270 ppm.
How much higher does this percentage of atmospheric carbon have to rise beyond the last safe level of carbon 350 ppm, before we collectively realize we are in a grave and rapidly approaching mass to near-total extinction danger? In many ways, from the ten facts above, it is not difficult to see that in this runaway global heating extinction emergency, humanity is racing at 80 miles an hour toward a steep cliff and a massive drop off.
To make things worse, the fog on this highway is so dense that one can barely see the road 10 feet ahead. Moreover, the map humanity is using does not show exactly where this dangerous cliff even is. And finally, no single "person" is driving the car racing toward the cliff.
It only looks like someone is driving the car and managing global heating. This "no real single driver" factor is because the IPCC has no verification, enforcement, or punishment authority over any nation of the United Nations and and current disagreements between the many UN nations on what is necessary to fix the runaway global heating issue. To make matters worse, many of those UN nations are entirely or primarily dependent on continuing to produce and sell fossil fuels for their own ongoing survival.
From the above, one can see that allowing an atmospheric carbon level of 425-450 ppm ever to be reached is humanity playing with fire. Humanity is betting the house (in this case the near-total extinction of humanity) that nonexistent or insufficient greenhouse gas remedial or removal "new technologies" will somehow save them at the last minute.
No matter how you look at it, we are at a completely immoral and insane risk level. We are already living far, far beyond the highest possible rational danger and level of collective risk. In fact, humanity is already extinction unsafe.
The good news is if we are very, very fortunate, we may have another 3 to 9 years before crossing over the survival-critical 425-450 ppm threshold and into the next even worse level of runaway global warming where global heating and the extinction emergency goes out of our control for centuries to millenia.
We are at our last warning and opportunity to act!
We have already squandered six decades of climate change and global heating warnings. Over the last six decades, our global heating ineffective actions have now ensured that about half of humanity will perish by mid-century.
We either get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, or we face near-total extinction.
"Our runaway global heating emergency extinction risk level is so high that it is comparable to humanity playing Russian roulette with a gun where every revolver chamber has a bullet in it, and every bullet is an extinction-accelerating tipping point or catastrophe amplifying climate feedback loop." Lawrence Wollersheim
If our governments successfully act on the runaway global heating emergency, much more of humanity will survive. And, if not, few individuals would ever want to exist in the over-heated world we would leave them.
Enjoy your life each day and the relative remaining climate stability while we still have it. Fixing our current climate nightmare is far from guaranteed. If we miss our last-chance opportunity to prevent near-total extinction, we can at least hope to slow it down so more people can survive longer.
Our runaway global heating extinction threat in a nutshell
For decades, cigarette companies hid the dangers of their products and stopped anti-smoking legislation. Likewise, for decades, the 28 trillion dollar-a-year global fossil fuel industry has hidden fossil fuel's global heating dangers, and they have stopped legislation designed to gradually reduce national and international fossil fuel use.
Here is the essential profound truth of our current runaway global heating emergency and our new elevator pitch:
As the result of ignoring 60 years of valid scientific warnings and our not resolving the climate change and rising global heating emergency, we have already locked ourselves into the beginning phase of runaway global warming and the unavoidable extinction of about half of humanity by mid-century. Mass human extinction is inevitable because we have already gone over the runaway global heating climate cliff when we reached the carbon 386 ppm level. Unfortunately, at our current 420+ ppm level, we are making our extinction occur even faster because we will cross even more climate tipping points and amplifying climate feedback loops at faster rates. The good news is that we can still save much of the other half of humanity, but only if we get close to reaching the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets as soon as possible.
Please use the above unsettling and very short global warming "elevator pitch" whenever possible to open conversations on the climate emergency. Then, when they ask you for more information to explain or justify the pitch, please give them the (JobOneforHumanity.org) website or get their email address and send them the link to the above ten climate facts which will explain each fact in detail and with documentation.
The above elevator pitch should make new people so curious that they will want to read your email link (or go to our website) to discover how possible what you said could be. This new elevator speech is intentionally meant to disrupt the ginormous ignorance and complacency surrounding the painful and realfacts of our runaway global heating extinction emergency.
Please do you part and try it out and watch the reactions. Even though a good portion of individuals will initially ignore further research, it plants a seed in their minds so that when they see the next wave of climate disasters unfolding, they will remember what you said to them.
So, the only remaining questions now are:
What will you do to push the world to meet the survival-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets?
What will you do to save yourself and the half of humanity that can still be saved?
This IS everyone's clear, urgent, and last chance call to action.
Your personal call to action
Step 1: please help share these ten critical climate facts with everyone who also needs to know about runaway global heating.
It is beyond grossly unfair and utterly wrong that the older generations have left this unconscionable climate legacy for Generations X, Y, and Z. Please pass these climate facts to Generations X, Y, and Z so that they start making the needed adaptations to extend their lives as long as possible. Of course, the older generations will also be affected. Still, Generations X, Y, Z (and A) will bear the shortest lifespans, the worst suffering, the biggest financial losses, and the most deaths.
Please share these ten critical climate change and runaway global heating facts everywhere, especially with other worldwide climate and environmental organization executives! Then, maybe they will finally start calling climate change what it is, a runaway global heating extinction emergency. Perhaps, they will finally get serious about forcing our governments to get as close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets so we might yet be able to prevent near-total extinction.
Please take one more step to ensuring a safer world for all. Sign your personal climate action pledge by clicking here.
Step 2. Please click this link and make a pledge to start the actions needed to protect yourself, humanity, and all life on Earth from runaway global heating.
Step 3. You can do something about climate change and runaway global heating. Click the image below and it will take you to the Job One for Humanity, Plan B Climate, Global Heating, and Global Crises Resilience Plan.
"No program that claims to have a solution to climate change and global heating can not be called legitimate unless it is designed and prioritized around knowing when a global heating-driven near-total extinction event will probably occur, how it will occur, and what must be done when to prevent that outcome. The Job One for Humanity four-part program relentlessly follows this critical priority path and deadline policy." Lawrence Wollersheim
To start Plan B, click here or click the image below.
To help do something about the climate change and global warming emergency, click here.
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