What our accelerating climate consequences will do to destabilize democracies and create more authoritarian governments
Most people are not prepared for how our intensifying runaway global heating consequences will devolve our political systems to more primitive forms.
Biden's New Climate Change Bill, Far Too little, Far Too Late and, Half of Humanity Dead by Mid-Century
They used horribly wrong fossil fuel reduction targets and deadlines for saving humanity, now they are celebrating their bill.
Why is "Thwaites" the MONSTER Climate Tipping Point Everyone Always Needs to Be Watching?
Everyone should pay very close attention every time you hear the word "Thwaites" in the news. Thwaites is the name of the Thwaites "doomsday glacier" in Antarctica. It is the size of England or Florida and near its very dangerous tipping point.
Our July 2022 Global Warming Newsletter, Good Climate News and Not-So-Good News
This month's July newsletter is about some good climate news and not-so-good climate news. It also contains new climate articles, updates, and a special editorial.
Two very powerful climate-related videos. One Very New and Time Limited!

Our Monthly Climate and Global Heating Newsletter for June 2022
This month's newsletter provides a new and qualified hope for our challenging future and the runaway global heating emergency. We completed a further analysis that defines this new hope (in the first blog article below).
An Alert to the Major Existential Crises of Humankind!
How can you and I face the predicament that humankind and modern civilization have created?
What to Think About Climate Anxiety
“I have canceled my plans to have a family because I am so concerned about the future of the planet.” Jordan Druthers
Will Runaway Climate Change Cause Mass, Near-Total, or Total Extinction in Your Lifetime?
Our runaway global heating emergency will have horrible consequences. These consequences are so bad there is no need to exaggerate them.
The Essential Climate Change and Global Heating Facts Everyone Should Know
There is really just one climate fact that everyone should know. It is the new "elevator pitch" of the climate change and runaway global heating education movement.
Last Chance: June 14th Free Zoom Call On Fixing Climate Change Anxiety or Anger from a Non-Scientific Perspective
June 13, 2022 update: Nearing 6,000 sign-ups for this June 14th FREE Zoom gathering and event!